Friday, May 2


Figure 1: The Flowchart on how to become a professional engineer.

The very first thing to apply for professional engineer must be register as a Graduate Engineer with BEM. Notice that, only a citizen or a permanent resident (PR) of Malaysia (not less than 6 months) can qualify for registration as a Professional Engineer. Basically, they are two type of registration of an applicant, first is the Graduate Engineer (GE) for accredited engineering degree and the second one is the Temporary Engineer for foreign registration an unaccredited engineering degree. It is easier for GE’s applicant because the GE can directly go to the next qualification without any problem. However, for the temporary engineer’s applicant, the engineer must pursue recognized coursework master program in engineering since their engineering degree is unaccredited because of three years program for example or otherwise they can also sitting for an exam part II and part III graduate examination which is conduct by IEM/ BEM to get accredited and pursue their professional engineer application.

            Next, all candidates must have achieved the training requirements by BEM. There are at least 3 years of working experience, training record or Log Book, course attendance and professional development program. Candidates must pass all these three condition before going to the next level which is assessment part. Normally, the minimum requirements for practical training are 3 years (normally 4-6 years) and must be supervised by a professional engineer with the same organization and same discipline or else they may select their mentor by IEM if the organization does not have professional engineer.  The experience should be in design and site besides application of engineering knowledge. The candidates are also required to maintain Log Book (to be submitted to Mentor regularly and to IEM annually for endorsement). 

                                                   Figure: training record or Log Book requirement

Basically, Professional activities are divided into three parts. First is practicing engineers which are conduct consulting service, contracting services, engineering management and authorities. Second is teacher or lecturer in engineering. For these applicants, they must have minimum 1 year teaching in the final years of degree course and 1 year equivalent practical engineering experience and the most important thing they must also have 3 years of working experiences in approved post graduate course or research for higher degree or research whilst being a teacher. The last one is applicants are the researcher. For researcher, at the time of application they must engage in engineering research with minimum or 2 years engineering research in responsible position. For these applicants they must also have 3 to 4 years’ experience either for practical experience or research experience to pursue their professional application.

Before the applicant sit for the assessment or interview, the candidates must attend mandatory training (60 hours) and undergo professional development training, PDP(30 units or 30 hours) which was introduce by BEM on 1st January 2005. The explanation of mandatory training and PDP as mention below:

i.        Mandatory Training                                                                         
                                                            Code of ethics - 12 hours
                                                            Health and safety - 12 hours
                                                             Engineering management- 12 hours
                                                            Courses related graduates’ branch - 24 hours
Total mandatory training is 60 hours. This courses may conducted by BEM or any institution that get approval from BEM.

ii.      Professional Development Training, PDP
·         Technical talks
·         Seminar
·         Society/ association meeting
·         Community services

PDP must be completion not less than 30 units where 1 unit is equal to 1 hour.

There are two ways of assessment to become a professional engineer in Malaysia:

i.        Through BEM

After completing the mandatory courses and PDP, candidates can sit for their Professional Assessment Examination, PAE. This assessment required training report and documents (drawings, detailed design calculation, specifications). The oral interview will conducted by not less than two examiners appointed by the board. In addition, there are also has essay writing session. There are two sections, section A will ask about basic engineering knowledge and experiences. While section B will ask about code of ethics and conduct.

ii.      Through IEM

After completing the mandatory courses and PDP, candidates can sit for their Professional Interview, PI. The Professional Interview, PI will conducted by not less than two examiners appointed by the board. The interview question will ask based on training and experience report and documents (drawings, detailed design calculation, specifications). The main objective for PI is to test the candidate’s understanding of the application of engineering principles and the ability to communicate well. Candidates must be at least 24 years old during the interview session.

Once a candidate has passed their PAE or PI they can directly register corporate member at IEM and then get the professional engineer certificate by registering at the BEM. However, since January 2008, BEM was introduced new condition in order to ensure that the professional engineer produced are really good in all field, they must undergo competency examination. This session, candidates will be asking about the practice of engineering. The question will be set by a team of practicing engineers. In addition, they might be ask also about engineers act and any relevant by law question base on candidates branch. For example, electricity supply act, building by-law, OSHA and etc. Finally, after get the professional engineer title, candidates have to achieve 50 hours continuing professional Development (CPD) per annum and renew the license with Board of Engineer Malaysia (BEM), so that they can pursue the PEng title.

 In the conclusion, professional engineer is very good certification and highly recommended to all engineers in Malaysia in order to be more competence, expertise and to act more professional in engineering field rather than get the PEng. or Ir. title only. In my opinion, engineers should have this certificate in order to ensure and test the limit of our knowledge and the ability to work in engineering field. Besides that, bare in mind to all fresh engineering graduates please register with the BEM as soon as possible after your graduation. This is because, 3 years of working experience only starts counting after you have registered with the BEM and it is supposed to be illegal for you to work in the capacity of an engineer without a registration with the BEM.

Friday, May 3

Sahabat Sejati atau Cinta Hati

Assalammualaikum dan salam sejahtera,

      Hari saya ingin kongsikan kisah indah sebuah persahabatan. Sebuah persahabatan itu akan menjadi indah sekiranya persahabatan itu disulami dengan keikhlasan dan pengorbanan. Malah ia menjadi lebih manis dan jauh lebih hebat dari penangan cinta. 
      Hari saya ingin kongsikan sahabat saya iaitu FATIN NURFARHANA BINTI RASHID. Bukan teman, bukan cinta, tapi beliau lah sahabat saya yang telah banyak membantu saya dalam membentuk diri ini kuat, bersemangat dan bermatlamat. Bagi saya perkenalan ini merupakan satu anugerah Allah bagi saya yang sangat berharga, yang tidak dapat dibeli di mana-mana sekalipun. Saya bersyukur kepada yang Esa atas kurnian ini.
     Saya sangat kagum dengan kredebilitinya Fatin. Walaupun beliau seorang perempuan namun dia seorang yang berani, hebat, bertanggungjawab, ikhlas, lemah lembut dan yang paling mengharukan saya, beliau akan senantiasa menjadi pembakar semangat saya serta mengajak saya untuk lebih berani serta lebih hebat daripada orang lain. Apabila saya lemah, beliau sentiasa disisi serta tidak putus-putus memberikan semangat, dorongan dan tidak lain tidak bukan menjadi sahabat yang sering mendengar rintihan hati kecilk ini dan sedikit pun tidak pernah kelihatan bosan dengan belenggu yang saya hadapi. Jadi, kami sering menghadapi suka duka tangis tawa bersama tanpa kehadiran sesiapa.
        Pembaca mesti hairan, kami berlainan jantina namun saya dan Fatin tidak bercinta. Untuk pengatahuan semua. Pada awal persahabatan lagi kami telah meletakkan syarat supaya kami tidak akan bercinta sesama sendiri. Kami jelas dengan hubungan kami serta kami tidak akan raguinya sama sekali. Bagi saya, sahabat dan percintaan tidak boleh disalah ertikan kerana saya tidak mahu dek kerana cinta, persahabatan kami musnah sekelip mata. Dan apa yang membuatkan persahabatan ini hebat ialah kami ikhlas. Bagaimana? kami ikhlas bersahabat dengan tidak mengharapkan apa-apa pulangan sama ada dari segi bentuk wang apatah lagi perasaan cinta mencintai.
            Tidak dapat saya nafikan bahawa ramai daripada teman-teman kami ingin jadi seperti kami. Namun mereka semua kecundang dek panahan cinta dan ada yang akhirnya makan hati dan persahabatan mereka terkubur begitu sahaja. Sungguh menyedihkan. Bagi saya, jika niat kita benar, suci, ikhlas. In syaa Allah, persahabatan yang terjalin dilindungi Allah daripada syaiton yang direjam daripada melakukan perkara-perkara maksiat. Jadi, nasihat saya bersahabatlah kerana Allah dan ikhlaslah bersahabat. Buangkan rasa benci dan iri hati. Sesungguhnya yang baik itu dari Allah, yang kurang baik datangnya dari kelemahan diri kita sendiri.

Saturday, November 17

Andai Kita mengerti ..

Selagi mana kita berpijak di dunia ini, kita semua adalah sama disisi-NYA. Tiada siapa pun yang tahu bagaimana berakhirnya riwayat seorang anak Adam itu. Selagi masa berputar, nadi berdegup, nyawa masih dikandung badan mereka masih lagi mampu untuk berubah. Siapa tahu, mungkin jauh lebih mulia disisi yang Maha Esa daripada kita semua. Ingatlah. mereka yang lemah harus dibantu, dipimpin untuk terus berada di jalan Kebenaran. Bukan dihina, dimaki, dicaci lantas hanyut dibawa arus kegelapan.

Thursday, November 15

Displin tangga kejayaan

Saya percaya ramai diluar sana mengimpikan sebuah kejayaan. Namun, tidak semua yang mengecapinya. Mengapa? Salah satu daripadanya ialah mereka tidak berdisplin. Mereka ambil mudah dan tidak bersungguh-sungguh didalam usaha mereka. Percayalah tiada kejayaan yang datang bergolek begitu sahaja. Berusahalah dan yakinlah pada ALLAH(bagi yang muslim). Insya-ALLAH kelak anda berjaya. Sesungguhnya ALLAH itu maha adil.

Wednesday, November 14

Hari Pertama aku sebagai Blogger

Tanggal 14 November 2012, dengan rasminya aku bergelar sebagai seorang Blogger. Apa yang ingin aku ketengahkan di dalam blog ini ialah lebih kepada perkongsian serta pengalaman hidup yang penuh warna warni serta penuh cabaran dan dugaan.